Dental Clinic Perth: Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns: The Majestic Restoration for Your Smile

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, often referred to as “caps,” are custom-made tooth-shaped restorations that lid the entire visible surface of a damaged or weakened tooth. They are meant to guard the tooth, upgrade its shape, size, and strength, and tally its appearance. Dental crowns are cemented into place and encase the entire visible allocation of the tooth above the paste line.

When Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

Dental crowns are a versatile restorative substitute used in various scenarios:

To upgrade Decayed or Damaged Teeth: later than a tooth has a large cavity, extensive decay, or fractures, a dental crown can meet the expense of the valuable keep and protection.

After Root Canal Treatment: Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy may become weak and brittle. Crowns intensify these teeth, reducing the risk of fractures.

To Reinforce Cracked Teeth: Cracks in teeth can guide to further damage, but crowns can keep the tooth together and prevent the crack from spreading.

For Cosmetic Enhancement: Dental crowns can tally the freshen of misshapen, discolored, or not a hundred percent sized teeth, resulting in a more good-natured and handsome smile.

To Replace Large Fillings: later than a tooth has a significant filling, a crown may be recommended to meet the expense of further keep and prevent the tooth from breaking.

Types of Dental Crowns:

There are several materials used to fabricate dental crowns, each offering unique advantages. Here are the most common types available:

Porcelain Crowns: These crowns are popular for their natural freshen and are an excellent substitute for stomach teeth restorations. They amalgamation seamlessly later than your natural teeth.

Metal Crowns: Made from gold, platinum, or base metal alloys, metal crowns are exceptionally durable and can withstand stuffy snappish forces. They are often used for molars and support teeth.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: These crowns tally the strength of metal later than the aesthetics of porcelain, making them welcome for both stomach and support teeth restorations.

All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns: These crowns meet the expense of far along aesthetics and are extremely metal-free. They are an ideal substitute for those later than metal allergies.

Why choose Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns meet the expense of numerous foster that make them a popular substitute for restorative and cosmetic purposes:

Enhanced Appearance: Crowns can significantly tally the freshen of damaged or discolored teeth, creating a beautiful and natural-looking smile.

Strength and Durability: Crowns are meant to be robust and long-lasting, providing obedient auspices for weakened teeth.

Improved Function: A dental crown can upgrade the proper functionality of a damaged tooth, allowing you to eat, speak, and chew comfortably.

Preservation of Natural Teeth: Crowns can often prevent the need for tooth extraction, preserving your natural teeth and promoting overall oral health.

Customized Fit: Each crown is custom-made to fit your unique dental anatomy, ensuring a truthful and pleasant fit.


Dental crowns are essentially a majestic restoration substitute that can revitalize your smile and guard your oral health. Whether you require a crown for restorative or cosmetic purposes, their versatility and foster make them an excellent choice. If you’re later than dental crowns or have any concerns more or less your oral health, we support you to consult later than our experienced dental professionals. Together, we can make a personalized treatment scheme to support you achieve the smile of your dreams and maintain excellent oral health for years to come!

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes single-handedly and does not constitute dental advice. For personalized dental recommendations, divert consult later than a recognized dental professional.

eDental Perth

14/49 Great Eastern Highway

Rivervale WA


1300 467 112

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